Local Competition: «Manage your finances smartly, build your future wisely»

– Phase 1 of the local competition involves a written examination with 40 multiple-choice questions on the following topics:

  • Economics, Grade 1: 5 questions

  • Economics, Grade 2: 10 questions

  • Economics, Grade 3: 15 questions

  • Financial Literacy: 10 questions


The Syllabus is provided here.


– Phase 2 involves an educational programme:

Students who qualify in Phase 1 will have the opportunity to attend a four-day course. The aim of this course is to further the knowledge and skills of students in the fields of economics and financial literacy, to stimulate critical thinking, as well as creative problem-solving in business cases. The courses have been designed in an interactive way, whereby students will be encouraged to join open discussions, ask questions, participate in knowledge and skill games and present proposals for solving various business cases.


– The 5-member team that will represent Cyprus in the International Economic Olympiad will be selected by means of examination papers, games and presentations, marked according to the following weights:

  • 50%: Examination paper (Phase 1)

  • 25%: Financial Literacy Game (Phase 2)

  • 25%: Team presentation of Business Case (Phase 2)


– For the examination activities to be held in an in-person format, students will be allowed to use a simple (non-programmable) pocket calculator and a dictionary to translate words. The dictionary should be clean, without any notes or extra sheets. Mobile phones, smartphones and any other electronic devices are prohibited.


– The Organising Committee will be responsible for evaluating and marking examination activities. The Jury will be composed of properly qualified academics, administrative staff and associates of the Cyprus University of Technology.


– The following awards will be given, based on the final ranking:

  • Places 1-5: Gold Cup (Cyprus representative team)

  • Places 6-10: Silver Cup

  • Places 11-15: Bronze Cup

  • Other places: Medal


You can Register here.