Δρ. Mihalis Golias (University of Memphis, USA)

Marine container terminals are essential components of global supply chains and terminal operators face many challenges to remain efficient and competitive (Steenken et al., 2005). Game theory provides promising avenues to advance our understanding and modeling of container terminal planning and operations (and freight and maritime transportation in general). It allows us to develop mathematical-empirical relations and models that describe and emulate the behavior of the various stakeholders utilizing market-based mechanisms. In this workshop we first provide a brief overview of maritime transportation, mathematical programming, and game theory basics (non- and cooperative games). We then present two applications of game theory to marine container terminals operations and planning to address uncertainty (Golias et. al., 2014), capacity utilization optimization (Pujats et al., 2020, 2021; Dulebenets et al., 2018) and resource allocation (Giampouranis et al., 2022). At the end of the workshop participants will develop a conceptual model to depict the interactions between terminals, liner shipping companies, and port authorities.

Date: 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2022



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